When I first became serious about my Christian walk, my mind wasn't open to Christ's ways. As a child, I attended church, but I didn't get a clear understanding of what it meant to be a Christian. Within the last 15 years, my knowledge about Christ has increased tremendously. One of the areas I struggled with was knowing when I heard Christ's voice. I would look for it in only one way, but it was such a blessing when He opened my mind to understand that He speaks in multiple ways. I can remember clearly when a thought just appeared in my mind that I wasn't thinking about. The thought was so real that it left an impressionable image in my mind. Other times He has spoken through our Bishop, but mostly He has spoken to me through people.
One of the most impressionable times was when I wanted to buy a property across the street from our church. I'm one of the Leaders in the Evangelism Ministry, and I wanted a place to store clothes for people who were in need. The property owner was losing the home, and after speaking with him, we thought it would be a win-win situation. Things didn't work out as planned, and the homeowner lost the home. After this, I just figured it wasn't for us to have the house. Months later, just before services began, I felt an impression to go outside. I did. After a few moments, a police car pulled up in front of the house, and a lady and man got out of the car with no police uniforms. I located my husband, and we walked over to the house. The wife had purchased the home, and the husband, an off-duty Police Officer, was there to take measurements. We spoke with them for a while and asked if they were interested in selling. They said yes, so we ended up buying the house from them. This was an instance of God speaking through an impression in my mind.
God also speaks through people around you. At one time, I was frustrated with my job. So frustrated that I wanted to quit on the spot. I was just fed up and had had enough. A friend, on vacation across the country, called me and said, "I'm not sure what's going on, we'll talk later, but don't quit your job." I hadn't told anyone I wanted to quit; it was an on-the-spot decision. I didn’t quit, until many years later. I listened to the word of God from the prophetess.
God has also used His word to speak to me! I've always loved learning. I could sit with a book for hours and get lost in it. My mind would come up with images of how I would live through the stories. When COVID came, I would study the Bible and images from the accounts would come alive...virtually jumping off the pages. The devotional, The Flip Side, was written during this time.
I can only speak of my experiences, but I'm sure I'm not alone. My Bishop was holding lunchtime bible study one summer. I worked about 10 minutes away, so I would go on my lunch break. On this particular day, the Pastor decided to pray for me. What he prayed for and spoke into my ear was true. So, I laid at the altar. Before long, I started thinking why was I laying on this floor? Before I could get up, I heard an audible voice in my spirit. This made me cry, just writing this I still get misty. God told me something that I didn't want to accept. A pain that I didn't want to deal with but that I had to. The one thing I've learned is that God will speak. He speaks whenever He wants and however, He wants, but you must be open to hearing. He's in charge, not us!
God speaks through our thoughts. “For you are dealing with the One who formed the mountains, made the winds, and knows your every thought; he turns the morning to darkness and crushes down the mountains underneath his feet: Jehovah, the Lord, the Lord Almighty, is his name.” Amos 4:13 TLB
God can speak through the Bible. “For whatever God says to us is full of living power: it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are.” Hebrews: 4:12 TLB
God can speak through a whisper. “And after the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, there was the sound of a gentle whisper.” 1 Kings 19:12 TLB
By doing these things…over time, I’ve been learning how to incorporate Christ into every area of my life.
Below are two books that God has inspired me to write. "The Flip Side" and "Blinded By Sight: The Heart Matters" both available now.
So… what’s this book about?
“The Flip Side” depicts the possible feelings and emotions of lesser-known Biblical characters as they navigated their lives in the shadows of the more popular characters in the Bible. While the Bible gives us snippets of their stories, we are usually left in the dark about their true motives, desires, and thoughts concerning the situations they are in. However, one certainty is that despite how little we know about these characters, they were often the catalysts to pivotal moments in the main characters’ lives.
So… what’s this book about?
Join me on a journey of self-discovery. “Blinded by Sight - The Heart Matters” is a compilation of short biblical devotions. These stories are not conclusive. They are depictions of how God is revealing my heart to me.
My prayer is, Lord, make it real for me, show me your heart, show me my heart, and give me the wisdom to change what hinders my relationship with you. I am learning that my perception is my biggest obstacle it affects my mind, what I think, and how I process my experiences. What I have experienced in my mind is expressed through my feelings and these experiences dictate my choices either consciously or subconsciously.
This devotional will allow you to explore and evaluate your past and present situations that have hindered you from seeing the heart of the matter. Simply put, look at the heart – it does matter. Your future depends on it!
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4